dissabte, 25 d’abril del 2020

Alternative vs mainstream medicine

Hi guys!
How are you? I hope well and in good shape. These confinement days had changed our lives and made me think a lot about health, specifically about alternative medicine. As a subject of controversy, there are arguments for and against so I’ll expose some:

-          Alternative medicines are less aggressive to the body. They usually lack or have minimal side-effects, however, they do not subject them to the same quality controls. Many products may not be what they promise.

-          They have no long-term effects. Unlike many medicines that leave substances in your body that can damage your organs, in the meantime with less supervision, there is also exposure to unsanitary or contaminated sources.

-          They are cheaper. Because you are not paying the laboratory or the patent, otherwise many natural treatments are not covered by insurance, so their cost must be additionally assumed if you treatment goes wrong.

-          They are preventive. You can receive treatment before symptoms of the disease appear, on the other hand they are slower. Most treatments focus on the source of the problem, not the symptom, so it may take longer for the symptom to go away.

Taking into account all the previous things, although I prefer mainstream medicine, I think alternative medicine can be useful in some specific treatments like chiropractic and osteopathy or as a supplement to regular medications like natural painkillers. On the other hand, I have serious doubts about its effectiveness on treatments in my point of view less conventional like aromatherapy or hypnotherapy more centred in the hopes and the beliefs of the patients.
What is your opinion about that? Are you considering to use alternative medicine? Do you have any experience or personal anecdote? Let me know in the comments section below.

dilluns, 13 de gener del 2020

War Horse novel review

Hi guys!

It’s been a long time since the last post but here I am, more than a decade later, to do a review of the last book I read: Michael Morpurgo’s best seller “War Horse”.
  The novel is set in World War I period, where we will follow the life of Joey, a horse with whose eyes we will witness this crucial moment of humanity. The fact that is told from a horse’s point of view makes this piece different from any others, it was a page-turner story for me, enjoying and suffering from the beginning to the end, but what is this book talks about? It talks about love (the promise from albert to Joey that we will be together again) and friendship (the moment that Joey helps his horse friend Tophorn to not die carrying heavy guns), but at the same time is a denounce of the nonsense of any war, claiming that our enemies are not as different as they seem, and if people can just listen to each other they can solve any problems, that we can sit and talk. That reminds me a passage when a German soldier talks with his counterpart and say: “In an hour, maybe, or two we will be trying our best again each other to kill. God only knows why we do it, and I think he has maybe forgotten why. Goodbye Welshman. We have shown them, haven’t we? We have shown them that any problem can be solved between people if only they can trust each other. That is all it needs, no?”

All in all, I recommend the book to anybody interested in history and if you like it, you can also read the Magnus Opera “The Fall of the Giants” by Ken Follet which first book talks about the events of World War I, or the recent film “1917” in cinemas when I’m writing this entry.

  So now it’s your turn. Did you read that? What’s your opinion? Let me know in the comments section below.

dissabte, 28 de juny del 2008

Dia de l´orgull gay

Hola de nou. Avui és el dia de l´orgull gai. Curiosament estava avui escoltant cançons de Skunk Anansie, un grup que escoltava molt als anys noranta la cantant del qual és lesbiana. Un dels meus temes preferits era la cançó Secretly, que té un videoclip molt adient pel dia d'avui. Espero que us agradi!!
Dedicat a en David (àlies crispeta)

Un nou inici

Hola a tothom i benvinguts/des a aquest racó d´internet. Feia molt de temps que no escrivia, de fet anteriorment vaig intentar fer un altre blog fa dos anys però per dessidia només hi vaig arribar a escriure dues vegades. Tanmateix espero que aquesta vegada serà diferent i podré mantenir un ritme més o menys regular de publicació, encara que tinc poc temps i escriure alguna cosa mínimament decent requereix temps, almenys en el meu cas. Aqui hi trobareu de tot, tot tipus de comentaris o idees que m´estiguin rondant pel cap. Amb el desig que ho llegiu regularment i que us agradi alhora que també deixeu comentari m´acomiado.

D.Bosch (1 dia menys per la independència)